What is high Definition Tummy Tuck?
Using principles of creating 6 pack and muscle outline to cases of tummy tuck surgery. Traditionally the procedure for tummy tuck was meant for people with loose skin, to remove the loose skin and give a leaner look. In recent years the concept is moving to creating dynamic body shapes using VASER technology.
The entire plan is to create a shadow effect by selectively removing fat from certain segments like the outline of the 6 pack, the back muscle outline. Thus giving the appearance of a muscle outline. The idea is to create negative and positive spaces.
Negative spaces will denote areas of muscle attachment, and creating a shadow effect. Positive spaces will denote areas of muscle fullness and the pack appearance.
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- Surgery duration – 4 hours
- Admission – 1 day
- Rest – 5 days
- Office – 6th day
- Gym – 4 weeks
- Sexual activity – 4 weeks
- Antibiotics and pain killers – 5 days
- Swelling – maximum till 3 weeks reduces over the next 3 months
- Scar maturation – scars have healed by 3 weeks, but take 6 months to mature
- From Fat to Fit – 6 months