Best Hair Transplant And Hair Loss Treatment
Our Hair Transplant & Restoration Services
Fabulous Facts You Cannot Miss

Dr Amit Gupta
- Only Plastic Surgeons operate here
- 3 Plastic Surgeon team
- 15 assistants hand trained and specialized with certification ( do check with other cinics f their assistants are certified
- Trained in Brazil under DR Carlos Uebel – the father of Modern Hair transplant surgery
- Only centre to do 6 different hair transplant techniques
- Only centre in India that does LONG HAIR TRANSPLANT
- Only centre that Guarantees its results and Insures you against bad results
Our patients trust us and love us.
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The final appearance of hair transplant results depends upon the individual. In some patients, the final results show up after 6 to 9 months of the surgery. In some patients, it can take a bit longer.
Yes. Hair transplant surgery is the most effective and safe solution to cure hair loss in men and women. Under this procedure, the hair follicles are transferred from the donor region[with higher density to the recipient region.
Hair transplant surgery is a safe and highly successful procedure. The hair transplant success rate is around 95-99% in Divine. and if you opt for a well-experienced board-certified plastic surgeon then, the results become better. That’s why we recommend you visit Divine Cosmetic Surgery to get the best hair transplant surgery in India.
Interested to know about other plastic surgeries?
Revolutionary MMFT (FUT+FUE combination) Technique
By Dr. Amit Gupta
Micro Refined microfollicular hair transplant (MMFT) is the most advanced hair restoration technique available today. Micro Follicle Hair Implant is a revolutionary procedure that changed the entire aspect of hair restoration across the world. The MMFT procedure using direct implant instruments is completely quick and painless and gives natural results. The procedure does not demand removing any part of the scalp. Hair transplant surgery, incisions, donor site, etc. are not required for MMFT. MMFT procedure is all about carefully extracting individual follicles from the donor area and implanting it on the recipient area in the most appreciative way. Within a few months, the implanted hair will grow and look completely natural. MMFT is considered to be the latest procedure after FUT and FUE.
- The MMFT hair treatment offers you the latest scarless technology
- You have a limited donor area
- You feel very anxious and want a confidence boost
- You are tired of people’s advice to go for this treatment or that
International Patients
Are You from outside Delhi or Outside India. Do you want Air Port Pick Up, Overnight Stay Or Visa And Ticketing Assistance Etc. Do You Know The Benefits Divine Has For You ?
- Airport pick up and drop ( pro rata )
- Guest house stay ( in facility at nominal costs) with order in facility
- Safe and hygienic
- Higher success
- Professionals treating you 1 year follow-up complimentary 3 months of vitamin supplements free (*)