The Skin lift procedure is an innovative procedure performed by Dr Amit Gupta, to accommodate the extra skin in Grades 4a and above. The amount of skin lift depends on the amount of laxity and it may be asymmetrical on both the sides. In some patients it is required on only one side. It may be as less as 1.5 cm to as much as 6 cms
- The skin lift is performed in patients with Grade 2b, 3, 4a
- May be asymmetrical
- May be unilateral
- Useful in patients with skin sagging, loose spongy skin, severe stretch marks
- The marking is done to bring the level of the nipple to a desired level to take away the operated look
- Infiltration is done in the breast as well as superficially in the dermis at the same time with the infiltration canula
- Epidermis depth skin is removed, preserving the dermis
- Liposuction is done to reduce the fat
- Flaps are raised to by preserving at least 1 cm tissue thickness below the “lift flap”
- At least 1 cm is maintained deep to the areola to allow good projection
- Continuous 2.0 nylon sutures are made from areola to upper dermis to create lift
- Ignore dog ears if any at the ends
- Put 1 suture each at the 2 ends to take care of the dog ears if any
- Closure with 3.0 monocryl continuous sutures

- 1 cm thick “lift flap”
- I cm thick tissue below the areola
Post Procedure Precautions
- No heavy workout, exercise, gym, sports for 3 weeks
- Scar will take 6 months to settle down
Note – there might be some mismatch between the two sides with skin lift procedures specially if done unilaterally
- Tackles sagging
- Good to get symmetry in unilateral and asymmetric gynecomastia
- Useful in patients with very large glands where the nipple just sags after removal of the gland
- Longer time to heal
- Scar on upper end of areola
- Sometimes skin gaping can happen.
- Longer down time

Costs Of Gynecomastia
The costs of gynecomastia depend on the grade of gynecomastia, the technique that we use and the anesthesia being used
- Grade 1 Surgery 25000 to 45000 RS
- Grade 2 Surgery 45000 – 75000 RS
- Grade 3 Surgery 60000 – 95000 RS
Vaser surgery can be added to any technique, costs 35000 Rs extra. The costs of investigation and pressure garment is extra